
 Adam Gilbert 2024 Animation Demo Reel

Virtual ESC - 2024 Student Graduate Animation

Nerium, A skunk shut in soon discovers her growing addiction to virtual reality is gonna cost her more than just her social and Love life, but her own self care and her apartment too.

Virtual Esc was my Senior graduate animation at the Kansas City Art Institute. I made this film as a way of expressing my both love and concern for Virtual reality and escapism addiction as a whole. I have had moments of neglecting my own personal health due to a excessive need for escapism via virtual reality and video games and through a lot of personal growth have been able to grow from those mistakes and have been able to enjoy more forms of content in healthier ways. I wanted to create a fun and approachable film that conveys those cautionary tales while also showing that there is a way out, I hope that others struggling with similar issues are able to see this film and help them realize their own positions and nudge them to make a healthier change.